27 May 2011


       To study and to analyse the information from the various biological databases available on the world wide web.
       Biological Data are highly complex and interrelated. Vast amount of Biological information needs to be stored, organised and indexed. So that the information can be retrieved and used. There are five major types of  Databases namely
(1) Nucleotide Databases                                     
(2) Protein Databases
(3) Protein Structure Databases
(4) Metabolic pathway Databases
(5) Bibliographic Databases

       National centre for Biotechnology information.                                                                         
       In present generation the challenge is in finding the new approaches to deal with the volume and complexity of Biological Data and in providing researchers with better access to analysis and computing Tools to advance understanding of genetic legacy and its Role in medicine and diseases. So they recognized the importance of computerised information processing methods for the conduct of Bio Medical research and sponsored legislation that established the national centre of Biotechnology information (NCBI) on November 4, 1988 as a division of national library of  medicine (nlm) at the national institutes of Health (nih).

URL :  www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

       UniprotKB/Swissprot is a manually Annotated Protein Knowledge base established in 1986 and maintained since 2003 by the Uniprot consortium, a collaboration between the Swiss institute of Bio informatics (SIB) and the department of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology of the Geneva university, the European Bioinformatics institute (EBI)

    URL : www.expasy.ch/sprot

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