Applications are invited from Indian Nationals to work as a postdoctoral Research Associate (RA) in a research project funded by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
Designation: Conformational Plasticity and Amyloid Aggregation of Human Serum Albumin
This project is aimed at understanding the key steps that are involved in protein misfolding and aggregation leading to amyloid fibril formation that is implicated in a variety of human diseases and will involve a variety of techniques in molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics.
Positions: 1
Period: 1 year
Essential Qualifications: Ph.D. in any discipline with good academic record and with experience in molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics as evident from publications. Those who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis are also eligible to apply.
Payments: As per CSIR rules
How to Apply? Applications should be sent by E-mail only to: Dr. Samrat Mukhopadhyay (E-mail: The subject of the e-mail should state "Application for RA at IISER Mohali". The body of the e-mail should contain a brief (one paragraph only) description of why you want to work in this project. A detailed CV (clearly mentioning academic qualifications) should be attached as a PDF file (no other document formats are acceptable) with the e-mail.
Last date for applications is: 17:00 IST, September 27, 2012
Note: Incomplete applications or those received after September 27, 2012 will not be considered.
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