Bharathiar University: Coimbatore 641 046
Department of Bioinformatics
Recruitment of one Project Fellow under UGC- Major Research project at the Department of Bioinformatics, Bharathiar University.
Application on plain paper are invited from eligible candidates with detailed bio-data, E-mail ID, mobile No, supported by duly attested copies of certificates and a self-addressed Rs. 5/- stamped envelope may be forwarded to the following address for One Project Fellow under UGC- Major Research project at the Department of Bioinformatics (Ref. C3/Dr.PS/BI/UGC MRP/2012/18313 dated 23-08-2012). Short listed applicants will be invited for interview at Bharathiar University. No TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview.
1. Title: “Computational Identification of promoter regions in Fungal Genomes”
2. Duration of the project: Three Years
3. Remuneration and Qualification: M.Sc. Bioinformatics. (Rs.14, 000/- pm for initial two years and Rs.16, 000/- pm for the third year)
4. Last date for application: 19-09-2012
5. Address for sending the application: Dr. P.Shanmughavel
Assistant Professor
Project Investigator –UGC MRP
Department of Bioinformatics
Bharathiar University
Coimbatore – 641 046
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