Positions for Consultants
Consultant for Strategic Partnerships
and Alliances (Code No. BIRAC/Vac01/01/2012)
is initiating a large number of activities in partnership with international
agencies such as WHOM, Gates Foundation, Welcome Trust etc. The proposals for
these activities are in different stages of formulation and submission.
Detailed discussions are being held with multiple stakeholders for evolving the
scheme and finalizing the governance and implementation plans. In addition as
announced by Chairman, BIRAC efforts are also going on to prepare a detailed
scheme on “Social innovation for
Affordable Product Development”. This would be implemented with multiple
stake holders both national and international.
Roles and
is proposed to engage a consultant for a period of One year, who can deliver
the following
Prepare a detailed Social Innovation Scheme, which should take note of the
national requirements and be prepared keeping in mind the global best
Coordinate activities related to proposal formulation, submission, discussion
with international strategic partners for evolving the partnership programs.
Work on other possible strategic partnership for promoting Innovation and
Affordable Product Development
Educations, Experience and
Special requirement in this case would be Ph.D in biotechnology with at least
10 to 15 years of experience of working in similar assignments, preparing
policy reports and interacting with international agencies.
A consolidated emolument up to Rs.1.50 lakhs / month would be provided
depending upon qualification, experience and job responsibility.
Positions and Conditions:
Appointment of BIRAC Consultant will be made on regular contract basis on a
fixed term or tenure for a period of one year subject to renewal based on good
performance and fulfillment of deliverables and also project specific
The Consultant would work on a regular basis at BIRAC.
The performance would be monitored based on the roles and responsibilities
assigned and completion of targets as regard to the contract.
For retired government servants the total emolument plus pension will not
exceed the last pay drawn.
A Service and Confidentiality agreement will be executed by the Consultant in
acceptance of the governing terms and conditions.
Consultant for Agriculture Biotechnology
(Innovation Research and Regulatory Affairs): (Code No. BIRAC/Vac01/02/2012)
is currently supporting programs in Agriculture biotechnology under the
different investment schemes of BIPP, CRS etc. During the recent discussions
held with Experts and with Chairman, BIRAC, it is felt that a concerted effort
is needed by BIRAC to launch 1 to 2 major Mission Programs on “Improved
Production using New Biotechnology tools”. For this detailed discussions are
necessary with all agencies involved both nationally and internationally-ICAR,
CGIAR, Public Sector Research Institutes, Agriculture and other Universities
and Private Sector. Agency such as USAID, Gates Foundations would also be
interested in such a program
addition it is also important to have a Senior Expert engaged in BIRAC who can
give us guidance on the new tools and technologies in the Agriculture sector
and who has a complete understanding of a regulatory system and can provide
guidance on how the projects supported by BIRAC need to be implemented to
ensure that they are in conformity with the regulatory requirements including
Roles and Responsibilities:
is proposed to engage a Consultant for a period of One year with the following
specific job responsibilities:
To prepare one or two major national mission programmes to be funded by BIRAC
in partnership with other agencies on nationally relevant improved crop
production using new biotechnology tools.
Prepare a detailed document and guidelines to be followed by the BIRAC
supported projects to ensure compliance with regulatory requirement.
Experience and Emoluments:
The specific requirements in this case would be Ph.D. in biotechnology with at
least 10 years of experience in Agriculture biotechnology research, regulation
and policy.
A consolidated emolument up to Rs.1.50 lakhs / month would be provided
depending upon qualification, experience and job responsibility.
Terms and Conditions:
Appointment of BIRAC Consultant will be made on regular contract basis on a
fixed term or tenure for a period of one year subject to renewal based on good
performance and fulfillment of deliverables and also project specific
The Consultant would work on a regular basis at BIRAC.
The performance would be monitored based on the roles and responsibilities
assigned and completion of targets as regard to the contract.
For retired government servants the total emolument plus pension will not
exceed the last pay drawn.
A Service and Confidentiality agreement will be executed by the Consultant in
acceptance of the governing terms and conditions.
Candidates may please send their application in the format (Click Here) along
with detailed CV to Manager Accounts & Admin. (sagarwal.birac@nic.in)
through email latest by 3rd December, 2012. The covering Letter should clearly
indicate Position Title and Code No.
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