9 Nov 2012

Biotech/Zoology Faculty Jobs 2012

Applications are invited for the following Teaching posts in various departments
II. Science:

1. Professor (Biotechnology):

Qualification: First / High Second Class Master’s degree and Ph.D. in Biotechnology / Other life Science disciplines with proven research experience in the field of Biotechnology as evidenced by research publications

2. Associate Professor (Biotechnology):

Requirement: First / High Second Class Master’s degree and Ph.D. in Biotechnology / Other life Science disciplines with proven research experience in the field of Biotechnology as evidenced by research publications

3. Assistant Professor (Biotechnology):

Requirement: First / High Second Class Master’s Degree in Biotechnology with Ph.D. in Biotechnology or NET / SLET in the Life Sciences discipline

7. Professor (Zoology):
Requirement: First / High Second Class Master’s degree and Ph.D. in Zoology with proven research experience in the field of in Zoology as evidenced by research publications

8. Associate Professor (Zoology):
Requirement: First / High Second Class Master’s degree and Ph.D. in Zoology with proven research experience in the field of in Zoology as evidenced by research publications

9. Assistant Professor (Zoology):
Requirement: First / High Second Class Master’s Degree in Zoology with Ph.D. in Zoology or NET / SLET in the Zoology discipline

How to apply: Applications have to be downloaded the application form from the university website: www.simhapuriuniv.org And the Filled in applications in all respects should be sent to the Registrar, Vikrama Simhapuri University, Dargamitta, Nellore - 524 003 (A.P.), India

Last date: 04.12.2012

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