9 May 2012

BioPhysics Pondicherry University JRF Opening

Pondicherry University
School of Life Sciences
Department of Biotechnology

Applications on plain paper arc invited from the eligible candidates with detailed biodata supported by duly attested copies of certificates for the following temporary research positions in UGC supported research project.

1. Title: Electron win resonance spectroscopic investigations of gamma-irradition efieets on the seeds.

2. Duration of tile project: 1 year 6 months

3. Position available:

Junior Research Fellow One

Qualifications MSc in any biophysical chemistry/organic chemical science/ physics with research experience in purification of proteins and starch.

4. Stipend: As per UGC guidelines
5. Last date: 14.05.2012

6. Address of sending applicll1ion: Dr Lata Shukla

Principal investigator.
Assislant Professor
Department ofl3iotcchnology.
Pondicherry Univcrsit>.
Phone: 0413 2654427
Email: lishukla@gmail.com

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